Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First ... First times

Today I sat and wondered, while I was quilting, that there is going to come a day when Emma is all grown up... I'm going to miss some of the moments that we have shared together. Like when she poured milk all over the floor, or watching her make her first little Christmas decorations for the first time yesterday. Maybe when she came into the room with magic marker from head to toe. So cute.. frustrating, but cute!

Time does go by so fast and then before I know she will be off to school and then I'll be sitting all alone at the bus stop crying my eyes out on her first day. Seriously, as mommy's we all say that we can't wait until they start school but, when they do, it's agony!

I remember looking at Emma when she was first born and wondering what kind of personality she would have. I wondered if she would ever fall in love, or have children of her own. Would I be there to see it all? These are serious questions that I have wondered about for a long time now. I find myself trying to eat healthier and I'm trying to go back to the gym to work off the weight. You know, I'm doing it because I want to see my grandchildren. Not crazy at all, huh..

This will be the frist Christmas that Emma really understands. She is already excited about the gifts under the tree.

"Mommy.. presents under do twee!!"

"No honey, Santa sent them to us yesterday to wrap up for him and the elves. He's coming to get them on Christmas Eve."


This conversation won't work next year. I'm okay with that. I love her so much!

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