I don't know if Emma's terrible two's have improved or gotten worse. Some days are certainly better than others. She cracks me up with the things she says and does. She's comes out of the blue with the weirdest things. Yesterday I was headed to the bank which is right past WalMart. I turned the corner and I heard a moan from the back seat and then Emma says,
"Oh... No... Malll Mart..."
I couldn't believe it. What's wrong with WalMart. I thought that she loved to go there because I give her the chance to push the cart around the store. Apparently, my two year old has decided that she doesn't like Walmart, and from the sound of her moan, I should be looking at other shopping store options.
My mom thinks the whole thing is funny. My dad used to give Emma these like valentines candy hearts all of the time. They are pure sugar and Emma asked for them every time we went over to their house. I had to come up with another solution of her "PawPaw Candy", as she calls it. I switched Dad over to giving her these little sweet tarts. She loves them and they are her hang up. Well, them and chocolate milk! She throws a fit if I don't give her the blasted milk.
Then there is bedtime! Oh my God... I would rather drive nails through my molars than to face this time of the day. She has a choice to fall asleep in her bedroom or on the sofa. Then I move her to a room of my choice. Basically, mine or hers. Depending on how much sleep I want that night. She screams and throws herself around, she hollers and screams, throws her cuppie and then finds every excuse she can to get out of bed or off the sofa and run around. She cries and throws another temper tantrum. Screams for chocolate milk... yeah, like I'm really insane enough to give her chocolate milk at this hour of night.
I scream, "Get in the bed...."
She screams, "No.. No.. no... " whining follows every time.
By the time this routine is over and done I am the most frustrated parent on the planet. Shit, no wonder I have anxiety and my stress level is at the highest that it has been since I was 21 years old!
Then there is the potty training issue that never seems to end. I have been given so much advice about potty training. None of it is working but I've been trying! She pees on the floor, takes off her diaper, pees in her underwear.. OH god! There is NO end to this madness. I gave up and put a diaper back on her. She didn't go for that so I started using the pull ups and we cut her off of PawPaw's Candy. That is now only used as a reward when she uses the potty. Every now and then she will come to me stark naked and say, "Mommy, I go potty."
I'll go in the room in which her potty is in, this room is usually always a surprise for me, and there it is, a potty full of pee-pee. Other times, she will just rip her diaper off and pee right where she stands. I just don't get it. Maybe I'm not rewarding her enough... Maybe I need to give her the golden ticket to the chocolate milk factory as reward enough for her potty efforts!
She will soon be behind this stage and I will be watching her pack her little book bag and run off to school.
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