Saturday, June 14, 2008


I did this a long while ago and eventually I plan to finish it. Of course, when all my priorities are straight first. I do love this tattoo and I always thought that it would hurt like hell to get one. It didn't hurt though. I went in and said "tat me!" LOL... Something like that. I hopefully plan to put Emma's footprints from her birth certificate tatted around the tierra. It's really cool though. My niece says that maybe I should intertwine a vine of roses all around it when I'm done. It's on my ankle, well now it's starting to move UP the leg a bit, but still it's pretty and I have gotten some what addicted to them. LOL.. If you can believe that. My mom was shocked when I come home with it. Blaine cheered me on.. LOL.. He thought it was great. Mom likes it too don't get me wrong.. The wierd thing is, I don't understand why this shocked everyone so much! I'm the one in the family who is EXPECTED to do all the crazy shit! I was the one who drove semi's all over the country, cleaned out power houses full of scolding fly ash and layed pipeline. I have always considered myself the black sheep of the family and to be honest I have always been okay with that. I decided al long time ago that there isn't a thing that a man can do that I can't do better..... Okay... I take that back.. There are some things I'm not equipped to do!

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