Friday, March 14, 2008

Temper, Temper, Temper

I have finally decided to stop and smell the roses! Too bad I'm still getting stuck by the thorns. Emma and I have had a love~hate relationship these days with the terrible two's. She loves to throw the temper tantrums and I hate to see them come. Sometimes she even throws things at me when she's having them, especially if she's having one because i've told her "NO". I hope she grows out of this soon. I put her in time out sometimes and that just makes things worse. She doesn't respond to time out well!! THEN AGAIN HOW MANY CHILDREN AT 20 MONTHS OLD DO!
She's still my little princess though. No matter what she does she still comes out of it my little "sugar snap pea". Every time! Like when she spills the cheerios all over the couch and then stomps them into the carpet, opens her bottle and spills sticky juice onto the floor then tries to skate with her little bare feet through it. When she takes her diaper off and pees on the floor and then finds me and shows the puddle to me the whole time saying " oh no!". When she screams and cries all the way to the store and all the way through the store and then gets to the check out counter and laughs and grins with the cashier like she never screamed and cried at all. When she rips my work off the desk and scatters it all over the floor while i'm out of the room and then I come back in to find her sitting in the middle of a mountian of ribbons and bows. And finally, when she sticks her dirty little hand in my glass of tea just to retrieve an ice cube. YUK! After all of that, I catch her in a candid pose like this one and it makes me stop and think that all of those things as so minor. I will even miss the mischief when she grows out of it. Watching her twirl around the yard in her toy tierra just makes it all worth while! She' won't be this age long and pretty soon i'll be running after her for a bit of attention. I might as well let her have all the attention she can get from me now, even if it comes in tempers and twirling!

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