I hope that everyone has a safe and happy New Year!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I took Emma to the play room today. I left feeling like shit as usual. I take her there because I know that she needs to be around other children. Let's face it though. I have no life. My daughter has more of a social life than I do.
I go there and all I see are happy mommy's and daddy's together with their happy little children. You can honestly look at them and tell that they take the shit life throws at them together. I can see that the men in those women's lives are MEN! They are willing to do what it takes to be with their wives and children.
All Donald ever does is sit around and talk about how old he is and looking for fucking excuses to get out of living his life. He spends so much time blaming people for his problems that he fails to live life like a normal person. Honestly, he drags me down. I get so depressed when I go to the playroom because I know I won't have it that way.
I go with my little daughter and we are alone at night when we go to bed, and we are alone together when we wake up. It's really sad to have my life. I really hate being alone. Having someone there with me that will support the things that I do. Instead I have someone who keeps reminding me that my education is a waste of time and money. I am tired of trying to find excuses for bettering myself!!
I really do need to get myself involved. Man, I remember a time when I was a go getter. I swear that NOONE stopped me from being me. When Emma came along, I stopped taking those risks. I stopped forcing myself to be whatever I wanted. I thought that I had to stick to a stable life no matter how stagnint that it became. I remember just doing it! No matter what it was, I just did it. Shit, I don't have the energy to get up and walk to the front door on some days. I feel so isolated within myself. I cry all of the time and I wonder why I ended up the way that I am. I honestly don't know if I can forgive myself for hating ME the way that I do. I feel that I could be a better mother to Emma. I don't wear makeup anymore, why when I cry it will only be smeared down my cheeks. So why bother?
There are people in this world that spend their whole lives looking for happiness and they never find it. I'm one of those people. I can't honestly look into my future and see a school teacher. I don't see anything anymore. I can not see past today and it makes me think that maybe I have sat around and become so stagnant that I have killed an inner "something". You know, that inner peace that you feel when you see a puppy or a newborn baby? I don't have that. I don't know where it went. I don't FEEL much of anything anymore. I try to keep Emma from seeing this side of me but it hurts. I sit around the house and eat and gain more weight. I'm eating my way into feeling worse. It's because i'm bored and alone. I don't hve anyone to feel pretty for! Why even brush my hair in the mornings. They say that I should go to church... what's there for me? I mean really, how can I love God when I can't love myself half the time?
I know that Emma could be getting better from me and Donald. I try to get her everything that I can to help her. Donald bucks the system. He doesn't see the negative when he is so negative. I mean, he won't send her to daycare but he'll send her to dance classes once a week. I try to fight for what I can get. He is determined that she doesn't need daycare. I had to fight my ass of for dance classes. I got them but I still regret that I wasn't able to convience him of daycare classes. She needs that so much more. I need that so much more!
I'm trying to finish getting my education. I can't find a job around here because I am lacking in education. Fucking McDonalds wouldn't even hire because they said I wasn't McDonalds material. I mean, what kind of person do you need to be to send french fries out a drive thru window!? Apparently you cannot be a single mother with a child. You can't be a college student and you can't have had a great job in the past! that leaves you with desperate high school kid with bad acne and their pants hanging around the knees!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
First ... First times
Time does go by so fast and then before I know she will be off to school and then I'll be sitting all alone at the bus stop crying my eyes out on her first day. Seriously, as mommy's we all say that we can't wait until they start school but, when they do, it's agony!
I remember looking at Emma when she was first born and wondering what kind of personality she would have. I wondered if she would ever fall in love, or have children of her own. Would I be there to see it all? These are serious questions that I have wondered about for a long time now. I find myself trying to eat healthier and I'm trying to go back to the gym to work off the weight. You know, I'm doing it because I want to see my grandchildren. Not crazy at all, huh..
This will be the frist Christmas that Emma really understands. She is already excited about the gifts under the tree.
"Mommy.. presents under do twee!!"
"No honey, Santa sent them to us yesterday to wrap up for him and the elves. He's coming to get them on Christmas Eve."
This conversation won't work next year. I'm okay with that. I love her so much!
Friday, November 28, 2008
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a belated Happy Thanksgiving. Everybody here ate plenty and enjoyed each others company and Emma running around the house acting crazy! She sure is growing up fast!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Twick or tweatzes
Okay everyone, Emma has figured out the Halloween thing. I gave her Mr. Pumkin and she calls him and off we went. I took her for a trial run to NanNan's house and she knocks on the door and says,
"Twick or treatzes!!"
Oh my god, I almost fell out. It was the cutest thing.
I loaded her into the car and we went around to a few houses. I didn't take her through a whole lot of neighborhoods. There really wasn't a big need for it.
She got the hang of it fast and the next thing I saw was her running from house to house knocking on doors. We went to about 10 houses total. Most of them were friends and family.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Terrible Two's
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A Pain in the Back
Monday, August 11, 2008
Been A While
Sunday, July 6, 2008
How does your garden grow?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Hot Headed
I'm hot headed and I admit it.
Today I went to the daycare to pick up Emma. She is there every day of the week but Tuesdays. Hell, even the daycare needs a break! They told me on Friday that a dental office for kids was coming in on Tuesday (tomorrow) to look at the childrens teeth and they asked me if I was interested in having them check Emma's. I agreed to it after reminding the owner of the daycare (Dorothy) know that I don't usually bring her in on Tuesdays and could tomorrow be an exception because of the dental office. I wasn't planning on bringing her in on Thursday or Friday of this week either because we were leaving to spend the night at my Grandmother's house. She agreed and that was the end of it.
Today I came in and clocked Miss Emma out as usual and I turned to remind her husband of the plans and before I could get all of what I was saying out of my mouth he interupts me and tells me that they have a "no drop off" policy and that I wasn't going to switch my days up like it ornot. I tried to explain to him what I had already talked about with his wife but he kept interupting me. He tells me that I will not be bringing her in on Tuesday. I tell him that he won't have to worry about it because I won't be bringing her back at all and that today was the last day he was going to be an asshole to me. I was so mad I left cursing!!
Then half way down the road I decide that I am going to go back and get her things. I walk in puffed up and pissed off and tell him that I am going to get my daughters things. I walk into the classroom, grabbed up Emma's belongings and leave mad again.
Half way down the road I remember that I left ALL of her medication and for a brief moment thought about whether I was going to go back and get it. She started coughing which told me I was going to have to go get it. Why make her miserable because her mama's a bitch! I turn the car around. Parked half assed in the driveway, grab Emma out of the car seat again and walk BACK into the daycare even more puffed up than before. I asked him for my medication and then he proceeds to tell me that the no drop off is policy and I proceed to tell him to kiss my lilly white ass and that I would be back in the morning for her pullups because I wanted to talk to his wife anyway. He told me not to stop payment on the daycare check. I told him I had no intentions of doing that but thanks for putting the thought in my mind. I planned on letting him cash that check so he could buy paper to print off his fucking policy and wipe his ass with it.
So, I'm home. I called Donald to tell him what was going on and all he could say was,
"I was having a pretty good day till I got this phone call. Good news is, I don't have to pay $117 a week for daycare anymore! WoooHOOooo!!"
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Emma's 2nd Birthday
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Allergic reations
The owner of the daycare calls me today in a panic. I answered my cell phone and immediately she starts to apologize to me for everything she fed Emma at school today.
My little gem is severely allergic to SOY!! Her doctor said that she would grow out of it by the time that she was 2 or 3 years old and so far she has gotten less sensitive to it but she still breaks out and blows up. It depends a lot on how much of it she has taken in. I tried to tell them that if the word soy is anywhere in the first 5 ingredients, don't give it to her because she'll have a reaction, then they'll call me, then they have to do an incident report, then I have to come get her, then I have to sign the incident report... If they don't give her the soy in the first place it saves us all paperwork in the end. In conclusion, not giving Emma soy products saves trees!!
My little blowfish!! She takes it all in stride and I love her for that. She just keeps going and that is something that I truly admire in my daughter. Nothing gets her down!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Growing up
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sorry it has taken so long to blog. My world has been turned upside down these days.
I got a job the first week of May and if you live in Virginia then you know that finding a job is very hard to do these days. Especially while your still trying to get a college degree at nights (online) and you are a single parent with no babysitters at hand. Which means no 2nd or 3rd shifts and no weekends.
I come down sick the second week in and it was no wonder that I did with everyone coughing and hacking around me. I tried to bite the bullet and found myself eventually with no voice. Seeing that my new job was working as a telephone sales representative. This was no good for me. My doctor told me to stay out of work. It took three weeks to get my voice back. It took two weeks for my job to decide they didn't need me. Don't get me wrong! I understood. Hell, if I hired someone I would at least like for them to show up to work. Under a doctor's care though, Hmmm.... I would have been a bit more generous. But business is business!!
So, I opted to hit the pavement again looking for work. The one man in my life that told me that he would always be there for me decided that his house payment was more important... (please refer to the "I hate men" blog) for a discussion on the latest asshole in my life!
So after all of this happens, of course you know you can't pay the bills with no job. I paid that were considered "important" and had to let the others take a backseat for the month. Then reality once again smacked me right across the face. My cable gets turned off. Now I have no cable and no internet. I'm stuck watching Hanna Montana DVD's to occupy the baby. (she's totally stuck on this girl at 23 months. Go figure!) I can't do my online classes because I don't have high speed and dial up takes forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever............... It took me 20 minutes to get my email and another 10 to send it.
Hey, finally got a job working at the local Waffle House for $2.13 an hour!!!! Oh... Plus tips! I can't believe that's legal! The tips would be great but the problem is that I am serving to elderly men who use the Wafflehouse as a place to go when they are tired of hearing their wives morning bitch sessions. I drip 5 pots of decaf and they drink 4 of them. I feel like I'm in the middle of a badly acted out scene from Grumpy Old Men! They run me to death and at the end of their lengthy stay they leave me a 50 cent tip! EACH!!! How nice... Emma's gettin' steak tonight on that Buck 50!!!
I go to pick up Emma at daycare. Bring her home, set her down and get her shoes off when I finally take notice to how HOT she is. I run franticly for the thermometer to find out that she's sporting a 103 degree fever to go with the 90+ degree weather we are having. She's sneezing, coughing, crying, hoarse and of course I can't leave out the puking! I take her to the doctor the next day and she tells me to let it pass and doesn't give her a thing to help her but some cough meds. Candy Apple flavored!! This is a joke because I can't get my daughter to eat sweets as it is but she thinks I'm going to be able to get her to eat some yummy candy apple flavored cough meds! PLEASE!!
I finally get a bit of relief when I get an email from my Aunt in California (I can not say thank you enough... I was able to get my internet back and not completely loose out on my classes. Not to mention blogging again :) Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! @-->------
To sum things up: Emma is healing nicely. She still has a bit of a cough but nothing her "yummy" cough meds aren't taking care of. I'm still trying to hold it together at the WaffleHouse. I've still got a bit of a cough that my shit flavored cough meds are taking care of. I am currently looking for better employment after work and the asshole just informed me that he "might" have to sell his "other" truck because he doesn't know if he will be able to make his HOUSE payment. I looked him in the eyes and said " I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR HOUSE!! PAY YOUR FUCKING CHILD SUPPORT!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Lately, I have had the worst feelings of ickyness ever!
I can't recall a time when I felt like that all of the time and I am looking back on my life and hating all of the things that I could have changed. I feel like I wasted so much of my life of pety things and not really bothering to live for myself. I live for my daughter now and I love her so much but her father.. I don't like him.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Cheating Man
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Potty training .... still not doing well.
Grocery shopping .... hopeless when she's leaning out of the cart screaming "bless you" to everyone
Eating out .... can't do it! Stomach is tore up from having to eat within 15 minutes flat!
Driving ... Emma has figured out how to escape the car seat
Playing nice .... she still throws the sand bucket at the kitty cat
ALL of her fish is DEAD!! I still can't figure that out!
Diapers .. still takes them off and runs through the house naked
Computer ... no particular settings anymore with Emma beating on the keyboard. Oh... and she has figured out the printer makes paper come out of it. Not good!! Trust me on that!
My mind... I still don't know where it went!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Pity Pot
Monday, March 31, 2008
Ok. Now I know you guys may think I'm crazy for posting this but I responded to a comment over the Super Nanny Community Board concerning a mother who asked if it was right to place her 18 month old daughter in "time out". Of course, every person who comes to the site "claims" to be doctors and psychologists etc..
I started putting my daughter in "time out" at around 14 months. She was WILD! Even though she disn't understand the whole concept of time out at that age it ALLOWED me the opportunity to get her used to the idea that if she does something wrong then she will get placed in "time out".
This lady turns up out of no where with her first post, claiming that what I am doing is wrong and that by placing my daughter into time out at such a young age, this will cause my daughter not to have the behavior again. YES, YOU HEARD ME RIGHT!! Ummm... where is the DOWN side to Time out! I mean I put her in there because I don't want her to have the behavior again! I personally think that this woman is off her rocker! AND I also think that if she spent any amount of time with Emma she would soon be visiting her doctor for stabalizers. I mean Emma is a wild little child and has been that way since she was 12 months old. The moment she started walking she began terrorizing the house.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sandbucket Kitty
This little girl is my world! We sat around today and watched her play with this stray cat that roams the neighborhood. She is an only child and sometimes I watch her when she's walking around the house, shuffling her little bare feet along the carpet. Her hands wondering along little "no-no" trinkets around the house, watching her cut her eyes at me to see if I'm watching her touch "the forbidden" items.
Today, I took this picture and as you can see her feet is off the ground! That cat brought Emma so much joy that she was jumping up and down. Okay, now that's from the picture view. Reality: you see that little yellow sand bucket? She was trying to beat the cat with it. The cat being so uncared for was happy to be beat with that little yellow pale as he was clearly getting attention of some sort. Needless to say I made her stop it, of course! But, the point is, well, there is no point. Just a kid having a blast with a kitty! :) God bless everyone!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Temper, Temper, Temper
She's still my little princess though. No matter what she does she still comes out of it my little "sugar snap pea". Every time! Like when she spills the cheerios all over the couch and then stomps them into the carpet, opens her bottle and spills sticky juice onto the floor then tries to skate with her little bare feet through it. When she takes her diaper off and pees on the floor and then finds me and shows the puddle to me the whole time saying " oh no!". When she screams and cries all the way to the store and all the way through the store and then gets to the check out counter and laughs and grins with the cashier like she never screamed and cried at all. When she rips my work off the desk and scatters it all over the floor while i'm out of the room and then I come back in to find her sitting in the middle of a mountian of ribbons and bows. And finally, when she sticks her dirty little hand in my glass of tea just to retrieve an ice cube. YUK! After all of that, I catch her in a candid pose like this one and it makes me stop and think that all of those things as so minor. I will even miss the mischief when she grows out of it. Watching her twirl around the yard in her toy tierra just makes it all worth while! She' won't be this age long and pretty soon i'll be running after her for a bit of attention. I might as well let her have all the attention she can get from me now, even if it comes in tempers and twirling!